Oswald Seri Photographer/Artist
High Speed Photography
Prolonged Exposure
Shutter Speed 1
These swimmer are participating in a race. For them to gain speed when they turning back is to explode using the wall and for the photographer to get a good photo he takes a high speed photography.
Its morning, and we all know the best drink is some hot coffee or milk. Unlike this photographer he wanted to show the cubes of sugar splashing into his hot latte using a high speed photography.
There is nothing that looks more tasty then this. Just by looking at this juicy fruit splashing into some fresh glass of water caught in a high speed photography just makes you want to eat it.
This beautiful city up high in the clouds. Lights on at night and cars speeding to destinations gets caught in a prolonged exposure.
The beautiful city of romance and the beautiful city of art. with the Tour eiffel just lighting your heart and shining some love in it with this prolonged exposure.